Thursday, 10 December 2015

A gluten-free pudding!

Eve's Pudding?

Why this pudding has that name is hard to know.

In the recipe below you will not find a single piece, not even a slice, of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (the FotTotKoGaE).  Not even a speck.

There are apples though, which are easier, in once sense, to come by. 

I say that apples are easier to come by than the FotTotKoGaE.  Actually, we "eat" a lot of that fruit in my house.

For example, I tell my children not to shout at each other, because that is wrong and unkind.  And I then I spend 10 minutes shouting unkindly at a child who has wet themselves.  Why?  Because I am having a bad day - that is, one full of opportunities to lift stresses to the Lord in prayer, chances to trust Him, but completely fail, and instead carry a weight too heavy for me to bear, the salvation of the souls of the people who come to our after-school club.

How is this eating the FotTotKoGaE?  Well, I decide what is right and wrong for myself, and even change the definition of acceptable behaviour depending on how I feel and who is the subject.

It is EVIL for eldest to screech at me or youngest in frustration.

It is GOOD for me to screech abuse at them for an accident.

I'm sure you can think of many examples in your own life where you've overthrown God and taken the definition of good and evil into your own hands.

Even as I am screaming, I am so grateful for my Saviour, Jesus, who only ever did good.  But who chose the cross deserved by evil people, so that we could walk free.

I have a friend who has one birth child and has since adopted three other children.  I told her that one thing that scares me about the thought of adoption is losing my temper at scarred children in the same way I speak to my own children.   My wise friend said that it is the way that we restore relationship after sinning which makes the difference.   Children of neglect do not see that a relationship can be restored.  Nobody says sorry, and relationships don't recover.  This is damaging to a child.  Although I've always thought that it is important to say sorry when I sin against my children, my friend opened the door to a new way to thinking about how I restore relationship with my kids after I have sinned against them.  Now I battle my way through hard-hearted pride to restore peace. 

Our Creator, the Lord, could condemn all of us to an eternity without him because of our rebellion against his right to choose what is good and what is evil.   Instead he sent his Son to die for us rebels.  He chose to restore relationship with people.  What a gift of grace.


Gluten-free Eve's Pudding

4 cooking apples, peeled and chopped
75g light brown soft sugar
200g butter
200g granulated sugar
180g Dove's Farm wheat-free self-raising flour
40g ground almonds
4 eggs

Preheat oven to 180C.

Put the apples into a square oven dish (about 20x20cm).  Sprinkle the brown sugar over.

Put the rest of the ingredients into a food processor and whizz until well combined.  Spread the mixture over the top of the apples.

Put the dish on a baking tray (this helps to conduct heat), and bake for about 40 minutes, until well browned.

Enjoy this with custard, or like me, Creme Fraiche.


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